March 2020: after a first wave in Asia, the spread of the Covid-19 in different countries of the world has lead many Governments to establish a series of lockdowns, asking people to stay at home in more or less restrictive ways. In some Countries, the “quarantine” has lasted more than two months.
How the places where people usually live have been able to support such an exceptional situation? How kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, turned into offices, classrooms, gyms or cinemas, hosting activities traditionally taking place outside in the city? These are just some of the questions that have guided the students’ work in the Final Design Studio Quarantined house-lives. A biography.
Interior architecture surveys, ethnographic diaries and photographs, have been the tools to transform the quarantine into a Gulliver's travel, and to explore and narrate from different points of view a new domestic dimension.
The Studio has involved through online lectures more than fifty students at the third year of the Bachelor degree in Architecture, stuck in different Italian, European and Overseas cities.
A main aim of this work is training future architects to use direct participant observation to investigate the intertwining between people, spaces and daily practices, and develop projects more sensitive to sometimes hidden dimensions of domestic life.
Afifi Afifi Marwan - Akkus Asu Ecem - Alborghetti Rachele - Alibrandi Carlotta - Altinel Pelin - Anselmi Alessandro - Arpa Alvaro Aimone - Autones Selim - Avesani Davide Francesco - Barbiera Sara - Barrella Camilla - Basotti Marco - Bessega Carlo - Bicocchi Ester - Borgia Luca Luigi - Capitaneo Stefano - Capone Virginia - Carletti Giulia - Caslini Francesca - Choi Younghwan - Cogolludo Corroto Blanca - Costamante Elsa - Damonte Valeria - Dogaru Martina Lucia - Fritjofsson Patric - Galizia Anna - Gasi Daniel - Grassi Valeria - Guler Deniz - Jassenjawskij Mikhail - Karakaya Berkin - Kou Xinyu - Le Gall Luna Noa - Luneva Polina - Marioni Marta - Negrin Dana Jenny Hanna - Oksuz Tuna - Ova Zeynep - Ozgur Damla - Pregun Flora - Procaccini Cesare - Salykhova Anel - Sarcinella Niccolo' - Sel Ece Sheinkman Avital - Sianturi Jane Lydia - Silvera Aldana Fernanda - Silvestri Eleonora - Srinithiy Vallam Gurunath - Tallawi Issa - Torti Beatrice Blu - Tranquillo Ginevra - Vigone Francesca - Wang Jianhao - Xu Jieyu - Zimova Magdalena
A work by